Livestreaming a Congress?

Livestream of a Congress:

Professional, Interactive and Global Reach with The Productioneers

When you host a conference, its impact is no longer limited to the four walls of your venue. With The Productioneers, you bring the conference directly to screens around the world. But how exactly do we provide that unforgettable livestream experience?

Preparation is the Key

Preparation begins well before the day of the event. We first analyze the venue to determine the best camera positions, sound sources and lighting. Our team provides a detailed plan to capture the key moments of the conference, from keynotes to panel discussions and breakout sessions.

Livestream studio on location, directing. Tulips, Schiphol Airport.
Livestream directing on location - The Productioneers

Top Quality Technology

We believe in using the best equipment for the job. Our high-quality cameras, microphones and mixers ensure that every presentation, question and discussion is broadcast crystal clear. And with our redundant streaming solutions, we guarantee that the live stream always runs smoothly, without interruptions.

Interaction and Engagement

A conference is not just about broadcasting information, but also about interaction. We integrate features such as live chats, Q&A sessions and polls, allowing online participants to become actively involved in the discussions and ask their questions, just as if they were physically present.

Laptop with Livestream platform

Post-Event Availability

After the conference, we make sure the entire livestream or specific segments are available for on-demand viewing. This is ideal for participants in different time zones or for those who want to re-watch certain sessions.


Frequently asked questions about Livestreams of Events by The Productioneers

At The Productioneers, we always begin with a comprehensive consultation to understand your specific needs. Then we provide the right equipment, from cameras to microphones and lighting, on location. Our technical crew handles everything from set-up to managing the stream during the event. All you have to do is focus on your presentation and content, while we take care of the technical side and broadcast your event live to your online audience.

The cost of a live stream varies based on several factors, such as the duration of the event, the equipment needed, and specific features you want to integrate. We offer customized packages to fit different budgets. Contact us for a personalized quote based on your needs.

Yes, definitely! One of the benefits of working with The Productioneers is that we not only provide the live broadcast, but also provide a recording of the entire stream. You can watch this recording later, share it with participants or use it for promotional purposes. If required, we can also provide an edited version, featuring the highlights of your event.

Interactivity is essential to keep an online audience engaged. We offer various tools and features to facilitate this, such as live chats, polls and Q&A sessions. In addition, we can provide integrations with social media platforms so viewers can respond directly, ask questions or share their experiences. Our goal is to build a bridge between you and your online audience so that everyone feels connected, no matter where they watch.

The perfect live stream of your Congress

Livestreaming a conference with The Productioneers means you are choosing a hassle-free experience, top quality and maximum engagement with your online audience. We are not only there to provide the technology, but also to take your conference to the next level and reach a global audience.

Want to know what The Productioneers are all about?

We organize and produce events    hybrid  events livestreams


We are the event agency for business events, from conferences to anniversary events. From concept to execution, we think along with you to make your ideas come true.

Hybrid events

We are the Hybrid event agency based in The Netherlands. We combine our love for events with our knowledge of live streaming. This allows us to combine the best of both worlds.


We are your partner for professional and impressive livestreams. Whether it's business conferences, webinars or livestreaming your event, we are here to take care of you from A to Z.

Our Projects


Ready to make your event a success? Contact us today and find out how The Productioneers can unburden you and together we can create an unforgettable event.

Address: Jan van Krimpenweg 9F - 2031 CE - Haarlem